About the 'Trip and the Trade'

This is a journey about connections, friendship, new experience, community service, and yoga. This idea quite appropriately came about during a yoga class. While I was supposed to be watching my thoughts pass like clouds through the sky of my mind, I was instead thinking hard…thinking about the road trip I was planning. I intended to drive through multiple cities visiting friends and family along the way. As I thought about this trip an idea began surfacing in stages. It went something like this: Oh no! How am I going to practice yoga while I’m gone??... Hmmm, I bet there are studios in most of these places …oooh, that’d be fun! Trying out new studios! ... and then I began to wonder about how I could integrate my yoga with community involvement. I love connecting with people and places. I kept thinking and by the end of the class decided that I would attempt to forge relationships with at least one studio in each location where I stayed, a relationship based on passion for yoga and interest in their community. That’s it! I would ask them if they would be willing to trade me one yoga class in exchange for a couple hours of my time giving back to their community, and THAT is exactly what I’m doing.

I will be blogging daily along the trip, mostly about my time with each studio and community. After my class with each studio I will dedicate a post to my experience there with photos and a direct link to their website. Although I am open to all that this trip will bring, I do have a few objectives. These objectives fall under two things: ‘Trip’ and ‘Blog’ and one crosses over into both:

Trip Objectives:

1. To connect with each location through community service

2. To experience a yoga studio in each community

3. To inspire people to incorporate yoga in their lives and get

involved in their communities as well as others

Blog Objectives:

1. To have a forum for writing and sharing my experiences

with others

2. To track/document my trip

3. To inspire people to incorporate yoga in their lives and get

involved in their communities as well as others

I have sent hard copy letters to a few studios in each of the places where I plan to stay. Getting to this point has been an interesting process. I vacillate regularly between excitement and fear. Excitement about meeting new people and doing good things in their community and fear of well…fear of failure. Will anyone be open to my idea? What if no one responds? Each time I feel nervous I remind myself to move forward with a heart and mind open to possibilities and yes, one of those possibilities is failure and that is okay. So here it goes, cheers to trying something new and being satisfied with unknown outcomes. I invite any of you that will be in the same locations as me to join me for a yoga class. The map with destinations, dates, and yoga studios is below. If you are interested in joining me for a class in your town during the dates I will be there please e-mail me at berghk@gmail.com and I will let you know what class(es) I will be attending and when. Cheers to The Trip and the Trade!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sustainable Futures - Boise, ID

When I arrived at Sustainable Futures in Boise Carlyn, the Executive Director, gave me an introduction to and tour of the facility. Carlyn took over in January of 2010 and has turned this facility around and it is as holistic as it gets.

Sustainable futures has a two-fold mission:

1) To open the circle of employment in "green-collar" jobs to people who are re-entering the
workplace who are: financially challenged, disadvantaged, or have otherwise experienced
barriers in the workplace. Currently they employ women who have been incarcerated, at-
risk youth, and refugees.


2) To 'close the loop' by recycling wine and spirit bottles, turning them into drinking glassware,
bowls, vases, and soy candles. The glassware is sold to various restaurants, retail
establishments, and with logos for custom events.

Carlyn asked me what I wanted to do during my time there. I very simply told her that I would like to fulfill her greatest need and with that she put me to work in her office. In the hours that I spent at Sustainable Futures I: organized invoice filing systems, transferred information into the computer for future events, and assisted in creating grant reports.

After many years in corporate America, Carlyn had decided that she wanted out of her cubicle and into a more 'hands-on' position in which she could be involved in environmental and social sustainability. Carlyn has been running Sustainable Futures for the last nine months strictly as a volunteer. Although the program is still too new to show "valid" statistics, her numbers boast great success. Typically, in Idaho, a previously incarcerated person has an over 50% chance of re-offending and going back to jail. The average person who goes through Sustainable Future's program has a 6% chance of returning to jail. Those numbers prove that this program is a huge asset to the Boise community.

The Sustainable Futures facility consists of an office space, break room, and warehouse/work space in the back. Employees have their stations and worked diligently and efficiently. Carlyn is forging relationships with more and more businesses within the community and makes progress every day.

I watched Carlyn interact with a young man who works at Sustainable Futures. She not only runs this organization like a business, she takes the time to empower these people who for whatever reason have have stumbled along their way.
The full circle vision of this organization is very well purposed. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to assist Sustainable Futures and be refueled by Carlyn's selfless dedication to our environment and her community.

Thanks Carlyn - you're amazing!


  1. Hi Kari!
    It's Kim from Yoga Sanctuary and I just wanted to let you how much I am enjoying your blog! What an amazing adventure you are on. It's fun to tap into the experience a little through your pictures and words! Keep it up...and thank you...you are an inspiration!

  2. Hey sis. Kristin Riley says "No Seattle?!?!" Why not?

  3. i agree take tour past seattle

  4. Hi Kari. I finally found the time to read your blog and I'm now a fan. Thank you for coming to Sustainable Futures. You really did accomplish a great deal in such a short amount of time. I think YOU are amazing!

  5. kari:

    i followed the link from Boise's Sustainable Futures facebook post and MMUUUUAAAHHH! Love it...what a great inspiration for a trip! I have been needing to get out there and follow my wanderlust, and this is the best (and most affordable) way i've heard of. Hope you dont mind if i "borrow" your idea in the near future!

